The article is fairly in-depth and is worth the time to read it.
Quote from an interview in the article:
"We need to get our two-spirit people to get back into our circle and to love themselves. Also to have people within our culture realize that this cannot stand, we cannot keep pushing people out, we are losing them by the day. The amount of suicides attempts and completed (suicides) is so high in the two-spirit community that we are pretty much dropping like flies."
Another quote from the article:
After high school, McAdam attended classes at the First Nations University of Canada campus in Prince Albert where he started learning about the impacts of colonization and the history of two-spirit people for the first time.
"I've started also getting into my culture and attending ceremonies and practicing it more. It’s really helped me as a young gay man to feel more comfortable and free in myself. I'm not ashamed anymore I'm more proud," he said.